Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fatal Fury 3

Cheat Codes:
Actually, Fatal Fury 3 PC's cheat code is same as Neo.Geo version.

1.To use Ryuju Yamazaki and Jin Chon Shu and Jin Chon Rei
U have to finish game and save the data which u've already met Ryuju
Yamazaki and Jins' Bro.Choose "load savedata" when u start game next
time, and choose "new game". In the characters choose screen, move the
choose box with the order below, and press Low Kick button once on
every one:

Terry->Hon Fu->Mai->Geese->Bob->Sokaku Mochizuki->Andy->Franco->Joe
Higashi->Blue Mary

If u input this successfully,the "here come new fighters" will pop up,
and now u can use Ryuju and Jins' bro.

2.To use Tiny Fighters in VS mode:
In VS mode,Hold both 1P and 2P 's Low Kick and High Punch key when
confirm your fighters.

Hidden song in Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory:
Insert the disc in a standard audio CD player and advance to track 41.

Play As Ryuju Yamazaki & The Jins:
Complete the game and save it. Now exit the game and load it back up.
Select Load Save Data, and select New Game. At the character selection
screen, highlight the following characters in this order and press Low
Kick once on each character: Terry, Hon Fu, Mai, Geese, Bob, Sokaku
Mochizuki, Andy, France, Joe Higashi, Blue Mary. A message will be
displayed to confirm correct code entry.


Game Book ...!!! © 2008.