Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Submitted by: RM

Unlock the following items, trophies and more by performing the actions below:

Blanka Ball, Sheep Trophy - Get a Perfect Abduction on all Single Player levels.
Chicken Trophy - Win a Bronze Medal on all Single Player levels.
Cow Trophy, Infinite Boost - Win a Gold Medal on all Single Player levels.
Pig Trophy - Win a Silver Medal on all Single Player levels.

Developer Hints:
Here are some hints from the developer:

* Fields slow down most animals. You want to have them march on a clear path, so
be creative in your destruction!
* Animals follow their loved ones where ever they go. Exploit this behavior and
lure the whole herd.
* The faster you herd animals to your mothership, the better off you will be.
* Pits can turn your flock harvest into a lemming suicide. Use bales of hay to
plug up holes in your path. You can also pick up and throw rocks with the
tractor beam.
* Animals shy away from pits, but can be forced to commit suicide if provoked
* Animals herd differently. For example, cows are slower to accelerate to top speed,
but if they are agitated too much, they will stampede instead.
* Cows are also heavy enough to bowl over some obstacles in the landscape.
* Sheep on the other hand, will shrink when dampened.
* Nocturnal predators are nasty. They will appear and devour parts of your herd.
* Some stones can be toggled on and off with your depressor beam. These stones will
light the way forward.
* If there aren't enough animals in a level, you need to force the survivors to mate.
Explore the level for a love patch, and let the wild sex ensue.
* Fences can bridge small gaps. Rotate them when they are still in the grasp of the
tractor beam.
* If you need to de-leaf a tree, use creativity and some effort.

Close Encounters Of Third Kind reference:
At the level selection screen, hover over the options for levels one through five
in order to hear the notes that were played in Close Encounters Of The Third Kind.

In Flock, players control a UFO and the main premise of the game is
to herd sheep back to the mother ship called "The Mother Flocker."

* Over 50 levels of pastoral puzzle challenges.
* Explore levels to find secret collectables and upgrades.
* Level editor allows players to make their own "plushie" and puzzle-
filled levels and share them with their friends online.
* Two-player online and local co-op mode makes the "flocking" exponentially
* Compelling environments complemented by a whimsical art style and beautiful
lighting make this one of the most graphically-advanced downloadable titles
to date.
* Real-world physics engine creates all new types of puzzles.


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