Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Anacapa Island Sea Cave Escape

First Scene:
There are three rocks that you can pickup and place in the middle of
the, I’ll say river. Lower left side, medium rock, about the middle.
Upper right side a big rock that goes below the medium rock. Upper
left for the small rock, place that on the top so it looks like the

Miners Hat:
Step onto the stones as if you were walking to the face of the cliffs.
You will see a light colored spot. Click on that and get a miners hat.

Now, step on second stone and click on first one. I should move to the
left. Step on the little stone and click on the second and it will move
to the left. Step on the second stone and click on the first and the
stones should all be horizontal now. Step to the left of the screen and
click on the rocks. It should zoom in and then click on the three rocks
there until you uncover the hammer. Take the hammer then step to the
right stone. Once on that stone, click on the cave entrance.

First Cave:
Inside the first cave use the helmet to see. As you watch the water flow,
you will notice that it makes a sharp curve to the left around a point
and then to the right. Watch just above the point and as the waves come
in and out you will see a brown colored rock that looks like a spear point.
Click on it fast or you will have to wait till it is visible again.

Now, just to the right of where you get the spear point you will see a
black line in the water. Click in that area and it will zoom in. Like
the spear point, a seashell will become visible as you watch. It’s just
to the left top of the black line. Click on it as soon as you see it.
Click on the black hole on the right to go to second cave.

Second Cave:
There is a black rock just to the left right of the big one. Use the hammer
a little to the left bottom side of that rock. It will take a little doing
to get the hammer to start pounding. Once you get it to work, it will take
two times before you move to the right. Then next rock will take 3 times,
the forth rock to the right will open up the cave.

You will see where the water comes up to a plant in the middle. Use the
spear point to dig right there. If you dig anywhere else it’s a waste of
time. The spear will keep digging if you hit the right bush. This will
uncover a barrel. Use the hammer on it and a green liquid will come out.
Use the seashell to collect the green liquid. Go to the right.

The rescue!
In this cave, to the left is a pink colored rock. Use the hammer just above
that. It will open a hole and inside that is a bag. In the back get a tee
shirt. Click on the tee shirt in your inventory and use the green liquid to
write SOS on the tee shirt. This is where it has a glitch and locks up
sometimes. I had to reload several times. Once the tee shirt is back into
your inventory, click and hold it. Place it into the water and it will float
out the cave and a rescue party will come and get you.


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