Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Battlestations - Pacific

Unlockables: Achievements:
Submitted by: RM

Tin Can Captain (15) - Sink 20 enemy ships with your destroyer by using torpedoes.
Broadside Kill (15) - Sink an enemy ship with your cruiser in 15 seconds.
Long-range Gunnery (15) - Destroy an enemy ship which is over 2800 meters away using
a battleship.
Flat-top Commander (15) - Send 50 planes into the air with the support manager.
Death from Below (15) - Sink an enemy battleship with your submarine.
Fighter Ace (15) - Destroy 5 enemy planes in less than 30 seconds without
losing your fighter plane.
Hat-trick (15) - Achieve 3 torpedo hits with the same torpedo bomber.
Deadly Accuracy (15) - Cause 20 magazine explosions with dive bombers.
Double Whammy (15) - Damage at least two targets in one bombing run.
Supply Line (5) - Use the support manager to successfully send up a plane
or request a ship.
Advantage (5) - Use the naval supply manager to activate a naval supply.
Banzaaai! (15) - Crash a kamikaze plane into an enemy ship while flying
at least 600km/h.
Surprise Attack (10) - Strafe all parked planes in Pearl Harbor.
Turning Point (10) - Sink all US Carriers in the Invasion of Midway.
Preventive Strike (10) - Sink the US Battleship before the reinforcements arrive
in Solomons' Skirmish.
Queen Sacrifice (10) - Sink the abandoned Hornet in the Battle of Santa Cruz.
Zero Damage (10) - None of the kamikaze planes should hit any of your ships
during Divine Winds of Leyte.
Take No Prisoners (50) - Destroy every hostile unit in Battle of Santa Cruz on
Veteran difficulty.
National Veteran (20) - Participate in 25 online sessions as the US.
National Hero (50) - Participate in 100 online sessions as the US.
Fist of the Empire (20) - Participate in 25 online sessions as the Japanese.
War Room (10) - Host and play through 50 online sessions.
Conqueror (20) - Win 50 online sessions.
Armchair Admiral (10) - Win an online Island Capture session using the map
screen only to attack units or emplacements.
Frontline Admiral (10) - Win an online Island Capture session without switching
to the map screen.
Rising Sun (60) - Complete the Japanese Campaign on Veteran difficulty.
Stars and Stripes (60) - Complete the US Campaign on Veteran difficulty.
Overwhelming Force (25) - Complete the Japanese Campaign on Any difficulty.
Shock and Awe (25) - Complete the US Campaign on Any difficulty.
Island Hopping (30) - Win every Island Capture map at least once.
Victory Rush (30) - Win every Competitive, Duel, Escort and Siege map at
least once.
Fleet Commander (50) - Reach the rank of Lieutenant.
Head of the Fleet (100) - Reach the rank of Fleet Admiral.
Disembarkation (5) - Capture a base by using landing ships.
Airborne Invasion (10) - Capture a base by using paratroopers.
Against the Odds (10) - Sink a stronger enemy ship than your ship.
Pure Gold (10) - Get your first gold medal.
Hero of Midway (10) - Played Battlestations Midway.

The game features a massive U.S. and Japanese single player campaign that
offers a unique blend of action and strategy. Players must plan their moves
carefully on huge open-world arenas and fight in the air, above sea and
underwater to relive some of the most hard-fought battles in WWII history.
With the newly added Japanese faction, players will also gain insight into
what could have been, should Japan have gained the upper hand against the
United States. Battlestations: Pacific also features five new innovative
multiplayer modes to strategically plan and battle against friends with
all new maps and units.

Set in WWII, Battlestations: Pacific delivers intense, action-packed combat
and strategic warfare at an extraordinary scale and features two distinctly
different single player campaigns. As the Americans, the game picks up the
story where Battlestations: Midway left off and allows players to fight
their way from The Battle of Midway to Okinawa as they try to secure peace
in the Pacific. As the Japanese however, players take control of the Imperial
Japanese fleet and have the unique chance to fight at Pearl Harbor before
attempting to change the course of history and take full control of the
Pacific Ocean.

* The U.S. and Japanese single player campaigns in Battlestations: Pacific
feature over 28 story missions, doubling the size of the previous
Battlestations: Midway, and 21 new units, including kamikaze and other
WWII jets and units. Players can now discover another viewpoint of the
war by taking direct control of the infamous Ohka and other Japanese air
units that fought over the Pacific Ocean during WWII.

* For the first time, the game also includes the tactical landing of troops
in battle. Launch your parachute squadrons with pin-point accuracy or ensure
the safe passage of your landing craft and watch your battalions of troops
capture key locations, man the defensive artillery and gain a strategic
foothold to support your offensive efforts.

* Battlestations: Pacific features all-new online multiplayer modes where
players can actively engage in battles and skirmishes against friends
online, and via System Link. With a plethora of new maps, units, and
options to explore, Battlestations: Pacific delivers the most exciting,
authentic and fun Battlestations experience yet.


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