Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bejeweled Twist

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM

View the Credits:
To view the credits put the mouse cursor over the "Classic" button and
move around in a clockwise direction going "Classic", "Zen", "Blitz",
and "Challenge". Repeat till the screen changes and the credits start
to scroll.
Note: This can be done even if you did not unlock every mode.

Solution to Enigma 7 (The 8-in-a-row) puzzle:
Set up this general format. Be careful for unwanted cascades.
A, B, J, K, and Z should be different color gems with Z being
the ones we're going to make our 8-in-a-row with.

- - - - Z - - -
- - - Z - - - -
- - - - K - - -
- - - J J - - -
- - Z A B Z Z -
Z Z - B B K K Z
- - J A A - - -
- - - A B - - -

Rotate the BB/AA block in rows 6 and 7, which will create two
fire gems out of A and B:

- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
- - - - Z - - -
- - Z Z - Z Z -
Z Z - - K K K Z
- - J J J - - -
- - - A B - - -

J and K will cascade out leaving you with the 8 Zs in row 6.

Blitz mode:
Successfully complete level 10 in Classic mode.

Challenge mode:
Reach Rank 3 in Classic mode.

Engima 8 in a row challenge (simpler solution):
Submitted by: areia mazugami

for the enigma 8 in a row challenge there is a MUCH simpler and more
memorable way:


Engima 7 (8 in a row) SIMPLER VERSION:
Submitted by: areia mazugami

i have a much simpler version of the 8 in a row
it only involves 3 colours

- - X - - X - -
- - Y - Z Y - -
- - Z - Z Z - -
- - Y - - Y - -

twist this part

into this


to start the cascade. Of course if you are really fussy and want to waste your
time making more cascades go use the 5 coloured version someone else posted.

Challenge Tips:
Submitted by: Gerson

For The Survivor Planet Only: If the doom Gem Have Number 12 And The Other Bomb
Gem Is Same and Your Move Left Is 10. Twist anywhere Until The Challenge Complete.


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