Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BMX Backflips 2

Submitted by: David K.

* To gain many points in an easy way, use the Aerials map (jump as high as you
can). From the start, cycle back to have a good startup. Then jump into the
ramp with a backflip to gain speed. Highs of 6 or more (>6000 Points) are
possible. Keep doing backflips for extra points (around 600 each).

* On Long Jump, do a wheelie all the way down, then let your front wheel gently
touch the ground. When you hit the ramp, pull a small wheelie. Don't do
backflips in the air, it slows you down.

* In beach ball and golf ball, act like you're a waiter. I know it sounds weird,
but if you get too excited that you've got the ball over a hill or something,
you could go over it and not be able to put it back in front of your front
wheel! Try not to get too excited! Act like a waiter - wait for the ball to
be still so you can concentrate on getting over a hill! And then you won't
get too excited about the ball going over a hill! Also, if you think the ball
is going to roll back down, let it roll and then you can try again! Remember
there's no time limit so you can take as long as you want to get over one


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