Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: pula frecata

First, enter the menu, press [F11] and type there in the window
that appears "iwannabeapimp". Then press "continue game" and shoot
the fishmen in the ass to find out that they have instead of blood

Hardened Detective difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the Private Investigator
difficulty setting.

Mythos Master difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the Hardened Detective
difficulty setting.

"A" rank:
Get a 100% game completion to earn an "A" rank. This can be done by
collecting all journal entries (thirteen in Jack's Diary, eighteen
in General Evidence, and six in Mythos Tomes), finding the rifle a
reception office door in the refinery, saving Ruth from the rafters,
and keeping enough sailors alive during the boat ambush all under
three and a half hours with less than thirty saves done manually.

Craig Mullins gallery:
Successfully complete the game under the Hardened Detective
difficulty setting.

Background art renders:
Successfully complete the game under the Private Investigator
difficulty setting.

Character art renders:
Successfully complete the game under the Private Investigator
difficulty setting.

Concept artwork:
Successfully complete the game under the Private Investigator
difficulty setting.

Variety Store: Safe combination:
The combination to the safe in the Variety Store is 2-6-1-2.

Hex Cheat:
PC Cheats by Agent 47

1.Make a backup for CoCMainWin32.exe in Engine folder called
2.Edit "CoCMainWin32.exe" with any Hex editor.
(you can use the Cheatbook Hexeditor).
3.Find this string (simply change the number 0 to 1 to activate).

(GodMode)0(/GodMode) to activate the God-mode (yeah!)
[located in offset 00243E1F]

(AllowDebugMenu)0(/AllowDebugMenu) to enable the Debug Mode
(press F1 while playing, press w or x to move the cursor, and hit
enter to enter menu.

[located in offset 00242897]

4.Another string that might help you.

(SkipVideos)0(/SkipVideos) to skip the intro movies.
[located in offset 002458C7]

5.You can also edit the game modifier too. Find them by yourself.


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